About authors

Dr. (Mr.) Milan Kilibarda is an assosiate professor at Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade. His main research areas is automated state-of-the-art geostatistical and machine learning mapping using open source software tools and web mapping tools. His main contribution in scientific field is spatio-temporal mapping of climatic variables at very high resolution using ground stations and remote sensing data. Dr Kilibarda is head of the Laboratory for development of the open source geospatial technologies in Belgrade. Dr. Kilibarda lectures Web Cartography, Information technologies in cartography, geostatistics and Space-time statistics. Dr. Kilibarda is experienced in related subjects through his involvement and participation in European, bilateral and national projects.

Dr. (Mr.) Dragutin Protic, is an Eng. in geodesy, geoinformatics and cartography and assistant professor at the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, University of Belgrade. His main area of expertise is in application of Earth Observiation data in mapping and monitoring of land cover features. Dr. Protic led the activities in APOLLO project related to developing the models for crop monitoring parameters and crop biomass estimation from EO data. Dr. Protic has been engaged as operational and project manager of EEA’s CORINE Land Cover mapping projects (CLC2000, CLC2006 and CLC2012) - Copernicus Land Monitoring Services in Serbia and Montenegro from 2005 till 2015 and as a consultant on FP7 HELM project. During the last 3 years Dr. Protic has also been managing Serbian pilots in the EU’s CIP-ICT-PSP funded projects eEnviPer and i-SCOPE. Dr. Protic was also a consultant in IGIS project aimed at establishing Remote Sensing Center for the Republic of Serbia. His research interests are in remote sensing, cartography, environmental modeling, GIS, virtual reality