// We can't use goog.color or goog.color.alpha because they interally use a hex
// string representation that encodes each channel in a single byte. This
// causes occasional loss of precision and rounding errors, especially in the
// alpha channel.
* A color represented as a short array [red, green, blue, alpha].
* red, green, and blue should be integers in the range 0..255 inclusive.
* alpha should be a float in the range 0..1 inclusive.
* @typedef {Array.<number>}
* @api
* This RegExp matches # followed by 3 or 6 hex digits.
* @const
* @type {RegExp}
* @private
ol.color.hexColorRe_ = /^#(?:[0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i;
* @see goog.color.rgbColorRe_
* @const
* @type {RegExp}
* @private
ol.color.rgbColorRe_ =
* @see goog.color.alpha.rgbaColorRe_
* @const
* @type {RegExp}
* @private
ol.color.rgbaColorRe_ =
* @param {ol.Color} dst Destination.
* @param {ol.Color} src Source.
* @param {ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
ol.color.blend = function(dst, src, opt_color) {
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
// FIXME do we need to scale by 255?
var out = goog.isDef(opt_color) ? opt_color : [];
var dstA = dst[3];
var srcA = dst[3];
if (dstA == 1) {
out[0] = (src[0] * srcA + dst[0] * (1 - srcA) + 0.5) | 0;
out[1] = (src[1] * srcA + dst[1] * (1 - srcA) + 0.5) | 0;
out[2] = (src[2] * srcA + dst[2] * (1 - srcA) + 0.5) | 0;
out[4] = 1;
} else if (srcA === 0) {
out[0] = dst[0];
out[1] = dst[1];
out[2] = dst[2];
out[3] = dstA;
} else {
var outA = srcA + dstA * (1 - srcA);
if (outA === 0) {
out[0] = 0;
out[1] = 0;
out[2] = 0;
out[3] = 0;
} else {
out[0] = ((src[0] * srcA + dst[0] * dstA * (1 - srcA)) / outA + 0.5) | 0;
out[1] = ((src[1] * srcA + dst[1] * dstA * (1 - srcA)) / outA + 0.5) | 0;
out[2] = ((src[2] * srcA + dst[2] * dstA * (1 - srcA)) / outA + 0.5) | 0;
out[3] = outA;
return out;
* @param {ol.Color|string} color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
* @api
ol.color.asArray = function(color) {
if (goog.isArray(color)) {
return color;
} else {
return ol.color.fromString(color);
* @param {ol.Color|string} color Color.
* @return {string} Rgba string.
* @api
ol.color.asString = function(color) {
if (goog.isString(color)) {
return color;
} else {
return ol.color.toString(color);
* @param {ol.Color} color1 Color1.
* @param {ol.Color} color2 Color2.
* @return {boolean} Equals.
ol.color.equals = function(color1, color2) {
return color1 === color2 || (
color1[0] == color2[0] && color1[1] == color2[1] &&
color1[2] == color2[2] && color1[3] == color2[3]);
* @param {string} s String.
* @param {ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
ol.color.fromString = (
* @return {function(string, ol.Color=): ol.Color}
function() {
// We maintain a small cache of parsed strings. To provide cheap LRU-like
// semantics, whenever the cache grows too large we simply delete an
// arbitrary 25% of the entries.
* @const
* @type {number}
var MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 1024;
* @type {Object.<string, ol.Color>}
var cache = {};
* @type {number}
var cacheSize = 0;
return (
* @param {string} s String.
* @param {ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
function(s, opt_color) {
var color;
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
color = cache[s];
} else {
if (cacheSize >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE) {
var i = 0;
var key;
for (key in cache) {
if ((i++ & 3) === 0) {
delete cache[key];
color = ol.color.fromStringInternal_(s);
cache[s] = color;
return ol.color.returnOrUpdate(color, opt_color);
* @param {string} s String.
* @private
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
ol.color.fromStringInternal_ = function(s) {
var isHex = false;
if (ol.ENABLE_NAMED_COLORS && goog.color.names.hasOwnProperty(s)) {
// goog.color.names does not have a type declaration, so add a typecast
s = /** @type {string} */ (goog.color.names[s]);
isHex = true;
var r, g, b, a, color, match;
if (isHex || (match = ol.color.hexColorRe_.exec(s))) { // hex
var n = s.length - 1; // number of hex digits
goog.asserts.assert(n == 3 || n == 6);
var d = n == 3 ? 1 : 2; // number of digits per channel
r = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 0 * d, d), 16);
g = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 1 * d, d), 16);
b = parseInt(s.substr(1 + 2 * d, d), 16);
if (d == 1) {
r = (r << 4) + r;
g = (g << 4) + g;
b = (b << 4) + b;
a = 1;
color = [r, g, b, a];
return color;
} else if ((match = ol.color.rgbaColorRe_.exec(s))) { // rgba()
r = Number(match[1]);
g = Number(match[2]);
b = Number(match[3]);
a = Number(match[4]);
color = [r, g, b, a];
return ol.color.normalize(color, color);
} else if ((match = ol.color.rgbColorRe_.exec(s))) { // rgb()
r = Number(match[1]);
g = Number(match[2]);
b = Number(match[3]);
color = [r, g, b, 1];
return ol.color.normalize(color, color);
} else {
goog.asserts.fail(s + ' is not a valid color');
* @param {ol.Color} color Color.
* @return {boolean} Is valid.
ol.color.isValid = function(color) {
return 0 <= color[0] && color[0] < 256 &&
0 <= color[1] && color[1] < 256 &&
0 <= color[2] && color[2] < 256 &&
0 <= color[3] && color[3] <= 1;
* @param {ol.Color} color Color.
* @param {ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Clamped color.
ol.color.normalize = function(color, opt_color) {
var result = goog.isDef(opt_color) ? opt_color : [];
result[0] = goog.math.clamp((color[0] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);
result[1] = goog.math.clamp((color[1] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);
result[2] = goog.math.clamp((color[2] + 0.5) | 0, 0, 255);
result[3] = goog.math.clamp(color[3], 0, 1);
return result;
* @param {ol.Color} color Color.
* @param {ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Color.
ol.color.returnOrUpdate = function(color, opt_color) {
if (goog.isDef(opt_color)) {
opt_color[0] = color[0];
opt_color[1] = color[1];
opt_color[2] = color[2];
opt_color[3] = color[3];
return opt_color;
} else {
return color;
* @param {ol.Color} color Color.
* @return {string} String.
ol.color.toString = function(color) {
var r = color[0];
if (r != (r | 0)) {
r = (r + 0.5) | 0;
var g = color[1];
if (g != (g | 0)) {
g = (g + 0.5) | 0;
var b = color[2];
if (b != (b | 0)) {
b = (b + 0.5) | 0;
var a = color[3];
return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')';
* @param {!ol.Color} color Color.
* @param {goog.vec.Mat4.Number} transform Transform.
* @param {!ol.Color=} opt_color Color.
* @return {ol.Color} Transformed color.
ol.color.transform = function(color, transform, opt_color) {
var result = goog.isDef(opt_color) ? opt_color : [];
result = goog.vec.Mat4.multVec3(transform, color, result);
result[3] = color[3];
return ol.color.normalize(result, result);
* @param {ol.Color|string} color1 Color2.
* @param {ol.Color|string} color2 Color2.
* @return {boolean} Equals.
ol.color.stringOrColorEquals = function(color1, color2) {
if (color1 === color2 || color1 == color2) {
return true;
if (goog.isString(color1)) {
color1 = ol.color.fromString(color1);
if (goog.isString(color2)) {
color2 = ol.color.fromString(color2);
return ol.color.equals(color1, color2);